Rev. Jesse Mwai

Rev. Jesse Mwai is a senior pastor with Christ is the Answer Ministries in Nairobi, Kenya. He is married to Njoki Mwai and they are parents to a 15 year old daughter. Rev. Jesse Mwai is an honors graduate of the Pan Africa Christian University. He holds a Master degree from the Institute for Worship Studies in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. He is currently pursuing Doctorate studies at the same institution.

Apart from pastoring a local church, Rev. Jesse is a celebrated conference speaker both locally and internationally. Together with his wife, they are engaged in a family business. He is also a business mentor, consultant and a leadership developer. Rev. Jesse is a gifted worship leader and a much sought after bible expositor. He is also passionate about youth empowerment, leadership development, mentorship and coaching.

Register now to come and listen to him from Thursday, 6th June 2024 at CITAM Karen from 8:00am

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